Sunday, June 27, 2010



Yoga is a unique Indian technique that helps for deep awareness, promoting pure holistic life style; is an ancient science to know our body and mind.

Yoga is not a religion it is a philosophy of life based on certain psychological facts, and its aim is the development of a perfect balance between the body and the mind that permits union with the divine i.e. a perfect harmony between the individual and the cosmos. MEANING The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit root; Yuj' meaning "to join".

It designates "The joining of the lower human nature to the higher in such a manner as to allow the higher to direct the lower, or union with the self yoga also signifies communication with the supreme universal spirit to obtain relief from pain and suffering.DEFINITIONPatanjali Maharishi defined yoga as, "YOGA CITTA VRITTI NIRODHAH" means controlling the modifications of mind is yogaBhagavat Gita says, "SAMATVAM YOGA UCHYATE", meaning "Balance and equanimity is yoga"."The younger, the old, the extremely aged, even the sick and the infirm obtain perfection in yoga by constant practice.

Success in yoga is not obtained by mere theoretical study, or talking about it, reading the sacred texts. Constant practice alone is the secret of its success".

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